martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

library julio mario santo domingo

In bogota's city there are many library's like for example julio mario santo domingo, this is a very big library that is located in 170 street and there is space for 1,2 millions of people, its a perfect place for doing a research or looking for all the information you need. This library has a big variety of rooms each one of them specialited in a diferent thing.

First of all we have some special rooms for little kids and babys were they can play and a ludoteca and for adults and teenagers we've got a reading room, a searching room, a special room with all kind of information about Bogota a music room and a video room. For big events such as conferences, theatral plays or school events the library has a theater that has space for 1250 people and a studio teather with intelligent boards and internet access for 350 people. It works all the days of the week exept on hollydays monday it works from 2 pm to 8 pm tursdays to fridays from 8 am to 8 pm saturdays from 8 am to 7 pm and sundays from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm

In conclucion going to this library has manu advantages like for example doing research in a confortable place with internet acces also asking for books that you can take home for a week long and buying books also its a great place were you can go with your family to see a presetation ot a teather play.

 Vilma Tirado.

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